As fun as this blog has been, it is time to move to a new location. You can find my new blogs about writing, reading, reviewing, health, etc. on my website: I also have a blog about saxophone and clarinet pedagogy on my other website, Feel free to check them out and subscribe.
Blog of Berin
Random ravings of a jazz musician/author.

Tuesday, October 28, 2014
Friday, May 30, 2014
Tales of Myrick the (Not So) Magnificent, Volume 1
Are you sure you want to be an adventurer?
Believe me, there are plenty of dragons, moronic guards, golems, evil sorcerers, zombies, blood-thirsty plants, undead necromancers, bandits, and troglyns out there who do NOT have your health and happiness in mind. If it weren't for my friends-the squirrel-like Nut-boy, the beautiful yet brawny Princess Frederica, and the ever-loyal but brainless Nonac the barbarian-I wouldn't be alive today to warn you about the many dangers out there. Of course, possessing magic running socks helps a lot, too, even though they seem to get me into trouble as fast as they get me out.
So, I've compiled a few of my life experiences in an effort to convince you, my good friends, to just stay home, lock your doors, and keep a loaded crossbow handy. Oh, and have a barbarian around in case something needs to be thumped senseless.
Believe me, there are plenty of dragons, moronic guards, golems, evil sorcerers, zombies, blood-thirsty plants, undead necromancers, bandits, and troglyns out there who do NOT have your health and happiness in mind. If it weren't for my friends-the squirrel-like Nut-boy, the beautiful yet brawny Princess Frederica, and the ever-loyal but brainless Nonac the barbarian-I wouldn't be alive today to warn you about the many dangers out there. Of course, possessing magic running socks helps a lot, too, even though they seem to get me into trouble as fast as they get me out.
So, I've compiled a few of my life experiences in an effort to convince you, my good friends, to just stay home, lock your doors, and keep a loaded crossbow handy. Oh, and have a barbarian around in case something needs to be thumped senseless.

It's out today! This is a fun series of stories that I've been writing over the years. It is a YA fantasy/comedy that pokes fun at fantasy tropes and characters. The collection starts out with the three 'prequels' that I wrote for various sources, like Smashwords and in the compilation: Wandering Weeds: Tales of Rabid Vegetation. Those first three stories are called: The Princess and the Privy, The Crypt of the Undead Sorcerer and Other Vacation Spots, and Of Weeds and Wizardry. The other two installments are novellas consisting of 12 episodes each and were published as serial stories on Big World Network. They are entitled The Lord of the Socks, and How to Hug a Golem. Big World Network is now a free site, enabling anyone to access all the content, including the audio versions. If you can't get enough Myrick, there are three more seasons available there that will one day in the near future also be compiled in print form as volume 2. Currently, the sequel to Delroy Versus the Yshtari is running on Tuesdays there, called Delroy Versus the Pirates of Poughkeepsie. It is a sci-fi/comedy.
Here are the Amazon links for print:
And Kindle:
Saturday, May 24, 2014
Serious Look at Comedy, Part XIB
Part XIB
An Hysterical
Analysis: Galaxy Quest, Part II
Just an FYI: May 30th will be my launch of Tales of Myrick the (Not So) Magnificent, Volume I. I'll post more details here once I know some. It is several YA fantasy/comedy serials I wrote for Big World Network.
Anyway, when we left off
from the last episode, our intrepid heroes were about to be blasted
into atoms by the evil, lizardlike Sarris.
38:40 into the
movie. So the ship goes into combat and gets shot up. That's not so
funny, but it does increase the tension. It's important to point out
that tension is a very needed part of good comedy. When are things
funniest? Often times, it is right after a stressful situation. Good
comedies know this and utilize it, like here. Humor following tension
allows us an even better release.
39:45. Here is a
brilliant combination of two comedy techniques: parody and
understatement. Fred reports from engineering in a deadpan tone,
“Generators won't take it. The ship's breaking apart and all that.
Just FYI.” The understatement alone is humorous, but when you
realize that this is a parody of the original Star Trek, it makes it
all the funnier. Whenever good ol' Scotty reported from the engine
room about how bad things were for the Enterprise, he was the total
opposite of Fred as he would be screaming in a panic, “She just
can't take it anymore, cap'n!” We could also say there's a little
slapstick here, because while Fred is delivering his report, the
aliens behind him are in a panic and look like they are about to be
sucked out into space.
40:ll. The mine
field scene. More tension, but also humorous quips to break it up. We
see Tommy's panicked reaction while Guy dives under a desk. Alexander
says to Tommy, enunciating distinctly, “Try not to hit every
single one!”
42:43. The ship's
computer doesn't respond to the other crew members. The aliens, in
their efforts to make the ship exactly like the TV series, set it up
so that the computer would only respond to Gwen. And then all she
does is repeat what the computer says. When Tommy gripes, “That is
really getting annoying,” Gwen replies, “I have one job on this
lousy ship, it's stupid, but I'm going to do it!”
43:47. Mathesar
takes the blame for the disaster because he'd seen the crew (in the
TV show) overcome greater obstacles. The crew decides it's time to
explain that they are just actors and not real heroes. Gwen asks,
“You don't think Gilligan's Island is real, do you?” Mathesar
answers, “Oh, those poor people.” We still get a laugh at their
misunderstanding. Just when we think the Thermians might be starting
to understand, they laugh in their goofy way and think the crew is
just joking.
45:50. Fred group
hugs the Thermians who just helped him find out how to solve their
power problem. This is a cute-funny.
46:00. Alexander
finds out he has a protege. One of the Thermians has taken the Dr.
Lazarus Mak-tar code as his own. Alexander doesn't know what to think
of it, but we get to laugh at this Thermian for dedicating his life
to a non-existent code. Alexander forbids the alien from saying, “By
Grabthar's hammer,” referring us back to his earlier panic attack
over the line.
47:15. The crew
has to go down to an alien planet to get a new power sphere. Most of
the crew looks nervous while Fred smiles and eats his cheese and
crackers that he got from the vending machine before leaving earth.
Again, we see opposite reactions as Guy has a panic attack about
dying again. Alexander uses an old cliché, “Are we there yet?”
This shows that clichés can be a great source of comedy when used
48:38. After
landing on the planet, Guy panics when Fred opens the shuttle door.
Guy, “Don't open that! This is an alien planet. Is there air?”
and he holds his breath. Fred sniffs and says, “Seems okay.”
Again, opposites.
49:27. We get a
chance to laugh at and mock Alexander. He played the scientist on the
TV show but doesn't know how to operate a real scanner the Thermians
gave him. Tommy adds insult to injury by saying, “I actually
thought you were smart.”
50:49. They see
the 'cute' aliens. “Are they the miners?” Alexander asks. Fred
answers, “Sure, they're like three years old.” Alexander
responds, “Miners, not minors,” giving us a combo of word play
and ridicule humor. Gwen sees a hurt one and wants to help it. Guy,
in his near panic mode, stops her and asks, “Did you guys ever
watch the show?” When the aliens turn mean and ugly, as Guy
predicted, the crew turns and runs. Gwen says the classic line,
“Let's get out of here before those things eat Guy,” playing on
Guy's fear that he is the expendable one. To make things even more
uncomfortable (thus funny to us) for Guy, they come up with the plan
they used in episode 81: the episode Guy's character, Crewman Number
Six, died in. Again, some good parody of the red shirt phenomenon in
Star Trek.
53:05. They try
to come up with a signal. Tommy wants to make a 'caw' sound until
Jason brings up that they have communicators, thus ridiculing Tommy.
They get Jason back, though, after he rolls around all commando-like
and then loses his gun.
53:38. We get a
comic look at Fred as he is rolling the beryllium sphere and carrying
his snack bag in his teeth. Jason says, “Never give up, never
surrender,” and the rest of the crew tells him to shut up. Tommy,
who is on the lookout, starts screaming, “Caw, caw!” Here is the
repetition technique, bringing up the earlier joke and giving us
another laugh at it.
54:00. We see
their comical escape as they roll the sphere back to the shuttle.
When Jason ends up staying behind so that the others can get away,
Alexander brings up his jealousy from when they were doing the TV
series, “You gotta be the hero. Heaven forbid anyone else gets the
spotlight.” Jason punches Alexander into the ship. As they lift off
from the planet, Alexander adds, “It's always about you!”
55:25. We get
some classic awkward-uncomfortable humor when Jason wakes up to the
large, slimy tongue of an alien pig. Fred has to try and figure out
how to use the digital conveyor, which is a parody of the Star Trek
transporter. Gwen tells Jason that it's perfectly safe and then the
Thermians inform them that it hasn't been successfully tested.
Meanwhile, tension for Jason is getting ramped up as he has to deal
with the pig-thing. They test the conveyor on the pig and it is
beamed up inside out. Gwen tells Jason everything is fine but one of
the Thermians interrupts with a truth statement (something true but
shouldn't be said), “But the animal is inside out.” Jason starts
to panic and the crew lies to him again that everything is okay. The
pig remains then explode, spreading guts all over them (discomfort).
The Thermian adds another truth that should be unsaid, “And it
exploded!” This isn't helping to calm Jason at all.
59:00. To make
matters even worse for Jason, a rock monster shows up. Tommy suggests
that Jason go for a vulnerable spot. We get another true but funny
line when Jason yells back at them, “It's a rock! It doesn't have
any vulnerable spots.” Guy's next suggestion falls into the
non-sequitor humor category when he says, “Form some kind of
rudimentary lathe.” This might also be harking back to the Star
Trek episode when Captain Kirk used raw materials to fashion a cannon
to defeat the Gorn.
1:00:47. Fred
figures out the digitizer (after a smile from Laliari, the cute
Thermian girl) and brings Jason up to the ship. Jason, of course,
lost his shirt during his fight with the rock monster. Alexander gets
in his quip, “I see you managed to get your shirt off.”
1:01:55. Sarris
boards the ship. Guy sees him and passes out (slapstick). When Sarris
learns that the crew are really a bunch of actors, he enjoys
revealing to the Thermians the concept of lying. This devastates
them, giving us a serious moment again that we'll need some release
1:07:25. Here we
have the 'whiff of death' moment (see: Save the Cat, by Blake
Snyder). All seems lost and the characters are about to die. Jason
and Alexander fake a fight to distract the alien soldiers who are
about to kill them. They succeed, sending the alien lizards out the
airlock. Fred returns us to a lighter vein when he apologizes for the
airlock door being sticky and he'll have one of his boys get some
1:10:40. We don't
stay humorous for long as the ship is about to explode. They don't
know how to shut down the reactor until Jason remembers that the kids
on earth were into all that tech stuff and they have a real
communicator. He calls up the leader of the kids, Brandon. Brandon
goes into a semi-depressed mode and says, “I understand completely
that it's just a TV show.” Jason tells him, “It's all real,”
which causes Brandon to have a complete turn around in the opposite
direction as he shouts excitedly, “I knew it!” I think this taps
into an inner desire many of us geeks have: that our fantasy worlds
are real and we can go there.
1:14:07. During a
doom and gloom scene with Sarris, we see one of the aliens that was
ejected into space smash against the ship's window like a bug hitting
a windshield. It's kind of a slapstick/parody of life.
1:16:09. Guy
decides to accept his role that he is the “red shirt” and going
to die no matter what. He decides to be a distraction in order to
save the others. Fred suggests, “Maybe you're the plucky comic
relief,” which is exactly the role that Guy has been playing
throughout the movie (truth).
Meanwhile, Jason and Gwen have been running through the bowels of the
ship in an effort to prevent it from exploding. They go through all
sorts of ridiculous situations like you'd see in a cheesy sci-fi
show. Gwen finally blurts out, “This episode is badly written,”
poking fun at several sci-fi tropes all at once. After barely
surviving the 'chompers', she screams, “Whoever wrote this episode
should die!”
1:18:29. Fred
gets an idea to take out the aliens by digitizing the rock monster
into the midst of them. As the rock monster takes out the aliens,
Fred says, “It's the simple things in life you treasure.” Laliari
then kisses Fred, causing Guy to say, “Get a room.” When
Laliari's tentacles wrap around Fred, he just looks at them and
continues kissing her. Most people would be grossed out by it (like
Guy), but Fred takes it all in stride (opposites, doing the
Alexander and his protege rescue a room full of trapped Thermians.
The Thermians give Jason the credit, causing Alexander to grimace
and say, “It's just not fair.” At the death of his protege,
though, he takes on his Dr. Lazarus personae, dispelling his previous
disdain for the role. He says his famous line from the show, “By
Grabthar's hammer, you shall be avenged,” and attacks the alien who
shot his protege.
1:22:30. Jason
and Gwen finally make it to the room and push the button to stop the
timer. The countdown doesn't stop. In a panic, they try to call
Brandon. We get a quick cut scene of Brandon running out of his house
while taking a bag of trash to the garbage can. He is trying to
explain to his mom the life and death situation he's involved in
while his mom reminds him about the recyclables. Back to Jason and
Gwen, they prepare to die until the countdown stops at exactly one
second. This is again making fun of a common trope, since the
countdown on the show always stopped at one.
1:24:00. We get
some action here for a while. Sarris is supposedly vanquished by
using the unknown 'Omega 13'. Unfortunately, though, the ship is
about to crash to the earth (tension).
1:32:00. Brandon
is running out of his house with an armful of fireworks. His parents
see it and we get a humorous non-reaction from them when Brandon
tries to explain that the ship is about to crash. His mom just tells
him, “Dinner's at 7.” After he leaves, his father gives his
mother a questioning look, prompting his mom to say, “Well, he's
outside.” This is a truth statement pointing out that we nerds have
a tendency to want to stay inside and play on our computers instead
of get fresh air.
1:33:50. The ship
crashes into the convention, panicking the crowds. The crew exits the
ship, eliciting applause. The announcer proclaims, “What effects,”
not realizing the crash was real. Guy is introduced as “another
shipmate.” They say of Alexander, “Give a big hand, he's
British.” When Sarris appears, the crowd shoots Nerf guns at him.
They applaud when Jason disintegrates Sarris with a real ray gun.
Okay, I know I
skimmed over a few things here to shorten this. A lot of what I found
funny were all the 'awkward' moments throughout the show. And of
course, the little parodies of Star Trek were brilliant. I hope you
learned a few things from this analysis that you can use to help you
in your own comedy writing.
Unfortunately, my
schedule is getting more hectic and I'll have to take a hiatus from
this series. I'd like to continue, but it probably won't be weekly.
There's just too little time and too much to write. I've got five
novels screaming inside my head to be let out, so it's kind of noisy
in my skull. Still feel free to send questions or thoughts about this
series, I'd love to hear them. Until next time, live long and prosper
and party on, dudes.
Friday, May 16, 2014
Serious Look at Comedy, Part ???
I'm afraid I must apologize. This has been a busy week and I have not been able to get back to writing my analysis of Galaxy Quest. This has been one of those weeks where I've had more to do than time to do it and something had to be cut out. Hopefully, I'll have some time next week to get back to it.
On the good news front, one of the things that has kept me busy is getting ready for the print launch of The Tales of Myrick the (Not So) Magnificent, Volume 1. It is scheduled to be released May 23rd, so as I get more details, I'll let you know. One of the things I'm trying to get ready is the audio book version. I've already done the audio for the two seasons that were released through Big World Network (The Lord of the Socks and How to Hug a Golem), but I'm releasing the three prequels (The Princess and the Privy, The Crypt of the Undead Sorcerer and Other Vacation Spots, and Of Weeds and Wizardry). The three prequels are taking me longer to record than I planned, due to technical issues and the fact that they are a lot longer than one of my typical weekly episodes. They'll come out to almost two hours of narration, but the time-consuming part is all the editing it takes to get a clean sound.
Until then, live long and prosper.
On the good news front, one of the things that has kept me busy is getting ready for the print launch of The Tales of Myrick the (Not So) Magnificent, Volume 1. It is scheduled to be released May 23rd, so as I get more details, I'll let you know. One of the things I'm trying to get ready is the audio book version. I've already done the audio for the two seasons that were released through Big World Network (The Lord of the Socks and How to Hug a Golem), but I'm releasing the three prequels (The Princess and the Privy, The Crypt of the Undead Sorcerer and Other Vacation Spots, and Of Weeds and Wizardry). The three prequels are taking me longer to record than I planned, due to technical issues and the fact that they are a lot longer than one of my typical weekly episodes. They'll come out to almost two hours of narration, but the time-consuming part is all the editing it takes to get a clean sound.
Until then, live long and prosper.
Friday, May 9, 2014
Serious Look at Comedy, Part XIa
Part XIa
An Hysterical
Analysis: Galaxy Quest, Part 1
A couple of
months ago, while watching Galaxy Quest on a road trip, I took
notes on some of the things I found funny or remotely humorous. Of
course, writing out something like this is going to kill the comedy
but I hope that this analysis will help you understand some of the
comedy techniques we've been discussing. Also, remember, we all find
different things funny, so what I bring out may not be funny to you
and I may miss a few things that you thought were hilarious. I'll use
the movie character names here because of the confusing aspect of actors
playing actors playing characters. *Spoiler Warning* Everything that
In the first
minute, we see an over-acted “lost episode” during a fan
convention. This establishes the movie as a spoof of our dearly
beloved Star Trek and its conventions.
At two minutes,
we see the actual 'intrepid crew', but we get the rule of opposites
here: they are neither intrepid nor very happy to be around each
When we hit 3:40,
the captain, Jason Nesmith (Tim Allen), arrives. He is happy and
soaking up all the attention he gets from these conventions while the
rest of his crew is not (opposites).
5:15: Alexander
(Alan Rickman) wears a rubber head in order to reprise his role as an
alien character from the old TV series. He refuses to say his famous
line, “By Grabthar's Hammer,” establishing that he is tired of
his role and wants out. The video behind him says it anyway and we
see his chagrin.
6:05: When Jason
finally comes out, he revels in the attention he is getting from the
crowd as he says his famous lines. When he tries to continue, the mic
gets cut off, creating an awkward and embarrassing situation for him.
7:22: A group of
kids who are big fans of the show arrive to ask Jason about a
'conundrum'. Here is some truth in humor as this isn't so much as
mocking fandom but portraying it and letting us see some of the
humor. Of course, they get cut off as Jason decides to go flirt with
Gwen (Sigourney Weaver).
8:04: Aliens,
called Thermians, from the Klaatu Nebula arrive (this name probably
is a reference to the 1951 sci-fi movie, The Day the Earth Stood
Still and the line 'klaatu berada nicto', creating a nice little
inside joke for sci-fi fans). They look silly and awkward. There is a
misunderstanding between them and Jason; Jason thinks they are
booking him for a 'gig' while the Thermians think he's a real
starship captain who can help them with an evil bad guy. We get so
see another silly aspect of them as they imitate Jason saying 'mum'.
9:25: We then get
a serious moment when Jason overhears people making fun of him. He
comes back to the signing table and snaps at the kids with the
conundrum. He then goes home and gets drunk. This isn't funny, but it
sets up character motivation and some humor down the road.
12:00: We see
Jason hungover and not wearing pants (this is always funny, right?).
Meanwhile, the Thermians show up, looking as goofy as ever. Here we
see opposites again with Jason a hungover wreck while the aliens
continue their humorous smiles. The aliens also talk in a silly way.
13:08: Mathesar
(Enrico Calatoni), the Thermian leader, says, “You are our last
hope.” At this moment, Jason isn't giving us much hope of anything.
13:39: Here we
get one of my favorite parts of the movie. While Jason is looking for
his shoe with his underwear-covered butt pointed toward them,
Mathesar says, “This is our greatest honor we could hope to achieve
in our lifetime.” This combines embarrassment with a statement of
13:48: Those of
us who have ever sent kids out to find something get a kick out of
this when Jason asks for help finding his shoe and the aliens just
stand in one spot and humorously look around, smiling.
14:23: In this
scene, the Thermians are riding with Jason in a limo. As one of the
aliens goes into some exposition about their problem, we are
distracted from it's boredom by the Jason's actions.
We get a further distraction when when he tries to flirt with the
cute alien girl, Laliari (Missi Pyle), who then speaks in a shrill
(thus, funny) voice because her translator is broken.
15:30: Jason
wakes up, drooling (awkward, ridicule). He burps (crude). At this
point, Jason still believes this is an acting gig. It is a conflict of misperceptions.
16:55: Jason
makes a joke but it flops (awkward), mainly because of the different
interpretations of the situation.
17:14: Jason sips
from his soda as he addresses the big lizard-like baddie, Sarris. The Thermians
are all frightened while Jason thinks the special effects are good
and he is still just doing an acting job. Jason acts bored by
Sarris's speech so he orders a full assault. We see an alien running
around the ship in a silly fashion (reminiscent of Monty Python's
Ministry of Silly Walks sketch). We finally learn the aliens were
hoping Jason would negotiate with Sarris, not fire on him (awkward).
Still, it looks like Jason defeated Sarris so the aliens are grateful
for him saving them. Jason is again put in an uncomfortable situation
when Mathesar tries to hug him.
19:07: We see
Jason go into a panic when ooze covers his body (think: pie in face)
in order to shoot him back to earth. He realizes that the whole
situation he was just in was real (including revelatory music) just
before he is launched through space, screaming (more opportunity to
laugh at his discomfort). When he lands, he is standing next to his
pool, shaking.
20:12: The rest
of the crew is at a store opening and reciting lines like they'd
rather be somewhere else. Jason shows up, bumping into the kids. He
accidentally swaps the real communicator the aliens gave him with a
fake one belonging to one of the kids. When Jason reaches the rest of
the crew, he tells them what happened to him but they don't believe
him. He tries to prove he's telling the truth by activating his fake
communicator. The others mock him by showing him theirs.
At 21:51, the
Thermians returns with bad news: Sarris was not defeated. Jason uses
a malaprop when he introduces the Thermians as 'termites'.
22:51: There's
more misunderstanding when the rest of the crew starts to suspect
Jason is talking about a job. There's that moment of silence while
they all ponder the possibility before they all dash out of the van
at once (comedic rhythm). Guy (Sam Rockwell), who has just been
tagging along as an outsider, joins in, not realizing what he's
getting himself into.
24:18: They are
transported to the Thermian base. The Thermians walk into the room
without their disguises, thus freaking out the crew. They restore
them just before Jason shows up. Guy screams, in opposition to
Jason's excitement. When Fred the engineer (Tony Shalhoub) arrives,
Jason and Fred poke fun at the rest of the crew. “What's wrong with
them?” Fred asks. Jason answers, “I don't know.” As they walk
further into the ship, Tommy the pilot (Daryl Mitchell) falls down,
providing us with a little slapstick.
At 25:57, we see
the aliens worshiping the crew. The crew learns that the aliens
believe the television transmissions of their show are historical
documents and thus, all true. The aliens have no concept of acting,
pretending, or drama. This sets up the humorous situation the crew
finds themselves in: they are frauds. We get further humor when the
aliens don't recognize Guy, but when he tells them he was in the
show, they revere him as much as the other crew members. Gwen
summarizes the situation by saying, “We're actors, not astronauts.”
29:33, Jason is
eating up all the attention. Alexander says, “It's like throwing
gasoline on a flame.” At the same time, Guy is
all smiles, just loving being a part of the crew which puts him as an
exact opposite of Alexander's glumness.
30:26: Thermian
crew called in by Malthesar's screech and they enter with their
characteristic silly walk.
30:50: Jason says
to Tommy, “Loredo, take us out.” Tommy, “Excuse me?” Tommy
may have been the child pilot on the show but he has no idea how to
actually fly the ship the Thermians constructed for them. As they
launch, things seem to be going okay until the ship starts drifting
to the side. We get some visual humor as they try to use body
movements to steer the ship away from the side of the dock. The ship
hits and we get the obnoxious scraping sound for several seconds
until the ship clears. Once clear, we see Tommy's embarrassment as
the Thermians all clap.
33:15: The crew
is served food the Thermians think they'll like based on their
observations of the 'historical documents'. Since Alexander plays an
alien in the show, they assume he likes the tics they serve him.
Alexander says, grimacing, “Just like mother used to make.” This
allows us to laugh at his discomfort as the tick does a dive back
into the bowl. Also at this time, Mathesar goes into more boring
exposition. Everyone is now paying close attention except for Guy,
who is first dangling a long string of alien spaghetti into his mouth
and a moment later, gags on it.
35:30: After
seeing the previous captain being tortured, the crew tries to make a
run for it. This is no longer just an acting gig, but a life and
death situation. We get Guy's speech, “I'm not even supposed to be
here. I'm just crewman #6. I'm the guy who dies.” This is an
obvious poke at the high death rate of people who wore red shirts in
the original Star Trek.
36:29: Jason
talks to Sarris again to explain the previous 'misunderstanding'.
Tries to have Gwen mute the broadcast. Jason then calls Sarris stupid
and ugly (insult humor). Unfortunately, Gwen didn't mute it and
Sarris hears every word (awkward). We then get Guy speaking some
highly-complex terminology by saying, “Red thingy moving toward the
green thingy. I think we're the green thingy.”
Anyway, this is
getting a little long and one of my goals with this series is to give
you short, quick articles to read. I'll take up the rest of the movie
next week. Until then: never give up, never surrender!
Friday, May 2, 2014
Serious Look at Comedy, Part X
Part X
Steer Truck:
Into Dorkness
Sorry for being a
little late, but when I started on this project, I did initially say
Thursday or Friday. Hopefully, not too many of you lost sleep as you
anxiously awaited this installment. Once you read it, you are welcome
to take a nap.
This week, we'll
talk a little more about setting. What are some other good ways to
create a humorous world to put our intrepid main characters in? We
can try spoofs, parodies, and satires. Some of the already
aforementioned worlds of Douglas Adams (Hitchhiker's Guide)
and Terry Pratchett (Disc World) fit into one or more of these
Spoofs: are a
lighthearted imitation of something in order to make fun of them.
The movie Galaxy Quest is a good example of this. Even the
title is a play on words for Star Trek. All through the movie
are subtly hidden spoofs of the original Star Trek series,
like Tim Allen managing to get his shirt ripped off. In fact, there
is so much we could discuss about this movie that I'll save that for
it's own installment.
I've done this in
my Tales of Myrick the (Not So) Magnificent by creating a
fantasy world that pokes some fun at traditional swords and sorcery.
I also threw in characters that spoof classic heroes like Conan and
Elric of Melnibone.
Parodies: are
pretty similar to spoofs, and are often considered the same, but I
would differentiate them as something making fun of a more serious
source material. For instance, in 1969 the Harvard Lampoon
produced a book called Bored of the Rings that hilariously
mocks the names, situations, and characters from Tolkien. They did
another one called Doon based on Frank Herbert's classic with
a similar sounding name.
Satires: have
been with us since at least the Greeks. They tend to expose human or
society foibles in such a way as to ridicule them. This is the source
of a lot of the humor from Adams and Pratchett as they bring up
aspects of English society in their sci-fi or fantasy worlds and make
them look ridiculous.
There are all
sorts of levels for these categories from subtle to outrageous. It's
up to you to decide to what degree you want to show these elements,
but be careful of how weird you get or you might lose some of your
Next week, I'll
see if I can do a scene-by-scene breakdown of Galaxy Quest,
but no promises.
Thursday, April 24, 2014
A Serious Look at Comedy, Part IX
Part IX
Location, Location
Last week we
talked about how we can create a humorous atmosphere by putting our
main character against their supporting cast. This could also be
classified as the 'man versus man' conflict. This week's topic is
related, but this time we pit our wily and witty hero against their
social environment, or 'man versus society'. Of course, putting our
character against their setting also includes the 'man versus nature'
conflict, too.
This is pretty
simple. Say we want to have a scene at a fast food establishment.
What's the fun in having it at a boring old place like that? How
about if we have them meet at Wally's Wiggly Pickle Palace? First
off, the name connotes humor, but it makes it more believable when
silly/funny things happen. In Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure,
did they take Napoleon (yes, the Napoleon) to some
run-of-the-mill ice cream place? No, they took him to Ziggy Piggy and
had him 'eat the pig'.
So, having a
funny-sounding name adds humor, but how about if we spice up the
location a little? In the upcoming second season of Delroy Versus the
Pirates of Poughkeepsie, I needed him to go investigate the New Vegas
Space Station and Casino. I was racking my brain trying to think of
how I could make this setting more interesting and create humorous
conflict. I realized that casinos often host conventions. I next
asked myself, what kind of convention could be going on during
Delroy's visit? How about a Star Trek convention? That would allow me
a few inside jokes for sci-fi fans. I also decided that Delroy would
know next to nothing about Star Trek while his butler-bot, Minx,
would be an expert on it. This creates a 'fish out of water'
situation. Fish out of water is a great way to put our characters in
conflict with their surroundings. We can see this in Hitchhiker's
Guide to the Galaxy or The Hobbit (books and movies –
the movies even used the same comic actor—Martin Freeman).
Another thing
we can do is create an entirely humorous world to set our characters
in. This is what Douglas Adams did in Hitchhiker's as well as
Terry Pratchett with his Discworld books (and the city of
Ankh-Morpork). Another series I enjoyed was the Myth series by Robert
Lynn Asprin. These are all good to study if you want to see how to
create a comical yet functional world.
Of course, man
versus nature can create humorous situations, too. Most of the time,
though, this type of story is more dramatic, such as Jack London's
short story To Build a Fire or movies like The Perfect
Storm. The only humorous example I can think of right now is the
2004 movie Without a Paddle. It all boils down to how the
characters respond to the stimuli or their situation that makes it
So, have fun
and happy world-building.
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